
Get Started with the Krishi Prabidhi

You can start working with Krishi Prabidhi's APIs in just a couple minutes by getting your free API Keys and reviewing the documentation. Get all the information realted to the Soil, Crop Suitability, Best management Practice and Disease Trouble shooting Model

Step 1 : Create an Account

Once you create account is created, you can get the access to our portal through API. Simply you need to get the token with the your account credential and with token you will get all the acces to the API Save these credential to your computer and be sure to keep them safe!.

Step 2 : Get Token

Now you're ready to start playing with the APIs!

you'll use the your login credintials to generate the unique token,and then use that token for all the other API requests. You can learn more about Authentication in the API documentation.

To get started even faster, use the Sample Code, where all the API calls are ready for you to use out-of-the-box!

Step 3 : Start Coding

Now you're ready to start playing with the APIs!

To get started even faster, use the Sample Code, where all the API calls are ready for you to use out-of-the-box!

Need Help ??

Anytime you need help or have a question with the APIs, jump into the contact and write the question and confusions!

And when you're ready to talk about all out data and updates, get in touch with us and we can arrange the details for exactly what you want to do!